Adoption of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Statements and Definitions Adoption of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Statements and Definitions Adoption of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Statements and Definitions
Systemwide(Systemwide Senate Review) Proposed Revisions to APM - 036, General University Policy Regarding Academic Appointees/EmploymentSystemwide(Systemwide Senate Review) Proposed Revisions to APM - 036, General University Policy Regarding Academic Appointees/EmploymentSystemwide(Systemwide Senate Review) Proposed Revisions to APM - 036, General University Policy Regarding Academic Appointees/EmploymentSystemwide
Systemwide(Systemwide Senate Review) Proposed Presidential Policy on Dual Use Research of Concern and Pathogens with Enhanced Pandemic PotentialSystemwide(Systemwide Senate Review) Proposed Presidential Policy on Dual Use Research of Concern and Pathogens with Enhanced Pandemic PotentialSystemwide(Systemwide Senate Review) Proposed Presidential Policy on Dual Use Research of Concern and Pathogens with Enhanced Pandemic PotentialSystemwide
InformationalUCLA Associate Degree for Transfer (ADT) Pilot Program Report and RecommendationsInformationalUCLA Associate Degree for Transfer (ADT) Pilot Program Report and RecommendationsInformationalUCLA Associate Degree for Transfer (ADT) Pilot Program Report and RecommendationsInformational
Systemwide(Systemwide Senate Review) Proposed Presidential Policy-Use of Animals in Research, Teaching, and TestingSystemwide(Systemwide Senate Review) Proposed Presidential Policy-Use of Animals in Research, Teaching, and TestingSystemwide(Systemwide Senate Review) Proposed Presidential Policy-Use of Animals in Research, Teaching, and TestingSystemwide
Systemwide(Systemwide Senate Review) Proposed Revisions to Program Attachments #3–7 to the Policy on Vaccination ProgramsSystemwide(Systemwide Senate Review) Proposed Revisions to Program Attachments #3–7 to the Policy on Vaccination ProgramsSystemwide(Systemwide Senate Review) Proposed Revisions to Program Attachments #3–7 to the Policy on Vaccination ProgramsSystemwide
Revised UCLA Policy 420: Breaches of Computerized Personal InformationRevised UCLA Policy 420: Breaches of Computerized Personal InformationRevised UCLA Policy 420: Breaches of Computerized Personal Information
InformationalRequest for Consideration of Issues Related to Recent Campus ProtestsInformationalRequest for Consideration of Issues Related to Recent Campus ProtestsInformationalRequest for Consideration of Issues Related to Recent Campus ProtestsInformational
InformationalQuestions to Administration on the Recent Campus ResponseInformationalQuestions to Administration on the Recent Campus ResponseInformationalQuestions to Administration on the Recent Campus ResponseInformational
InformationalAccessibility and Instruction Working Group ReportInformationalAccessibility and Instruction Working Group ReportInformationalAccessibility and Instruction Working Group ReportInformational
InformationalCampus PreK-12 Affordability and Accessibility for Faculty Report and Recommendations
InformationalCampus PreK-12 Affordability and Accessibility for Faculty Report and Recommendations
InformationalCampus PreK-12 Affordability and Accessibility for Faculty Report and Recommendations
Informational2023-24 Program Review Trends ReportInformational2023-24 Program Review Trends ReportInformational2023-24 Program Review Trends ReportInformational
Adoption of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Statements and Definitions Adoption of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Statements and Definitions Adoption of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Statements and Definitions
InformationalUCLA Associate Degree for Transfer (ADT) Pilot Program Report and RecommendationsInformationalUCLA Associate Degree for Transfer (ADT) Pilot Program Report and RecommendationsInformationalUCLA Associate Degree for Transfer (ADT) Pilot Program Report and RecommendationsInformational
InformationalPrinciples on Course Requirements and Academic FreedomInformationalPrinciples on Course Requirements and Academic FreedomInformationalPrinciples on Course Requirements and Academic FreedomInformational
InformationalProposal for the Creation of the Distinguished Academic Senate Service Award at
the Los Angeles Division of the UC Academic SenateInformationalProposal for the Creation of the Distinguished Academic Senate Service Award at
the Los Angeles Division of the UC Academic SenateInformationalProposal for the Creation of the Distinguished Academic Senate Service Award at
the Los Angeles Division of the UC Academic SenateInformational
InformationalProposal for the Creation of the Academic Senate Service Rising Star Awards at the Los Angeles Division of the UC Academic SenateInformationalProposal for the Creation of the Academic Senate Service Rising Star Awards at the Los Angeles Division of the UC Academic SenateInformationalProposal for the Creation of the Academic Senate Service Rising Star Awards at the Los Angeles Division of the UC Academic SenateInformational
InformationalQuestions to Administration on the Recent Campus ResponseInformationalQuestions to Administration on the Recent Campus ResponseInformationalQuestions to Administration on the Recent Campus ResponseInformational
InformationalRequest for Consideration of Issues Related to Recent Campus ProtestsInformationalRequest for Consideration of Issues Related to Recent Campus ProtestsInformationalRequest for Consideration of Issues Related to Recent Campus ProtestsInformational
InformationalReport of the Joint Faculty Rebuilding and Renewal Task ForceInformationalReport of the Joint Faculty Rebuilding and Renewal Task ForceInformationalReport of the Joint Faculty Rebuilding and Renewal Task ForceInformational
SystemwideFinal Report of the University of California Systemwide Advisory Workgroup on Students with DisabilitiesSystemwideFinal Report of the University of California Systemwide Advisory Workgroup on Students with DisabilitiesSystemwideFinal Report of the University of California Systemwide Advisory Workgroup on Students with DisabilitiesSystemwide
InformationalAccessibility and Instruction Working Group ReportInformationalAccessibility and Instruction Working Group ReportInformationalAccessibility and Instruction Working Group ReportInformational
InformationalClimate Change in UCLA Curricula and Research InformationalClimate Change in UCLA Curricula and Research InformationalClimate Change in UCLA Curricula and Research Informational
Systemwide(Systemwide Senate Review) Proposed Revisions to APM - 016, University Policy on Faculty Conduct and the Administration of DisciplineSystemwide(Systemwide Senate Review) Proposed Revisions to APM - 016, University Policy on Faculty Conduct and the Administration of DisciplineSystemwide(Systemwide Senate Review) Proposed Revisions to APM - 016, University Policy on Faculty Conduct and the Administration of DisciplineSystemwide
Systemwide(Systemwide Senate Review) Regents Policy on Public and Discretionary Statements
by Academic UnitsSystemwide(Systemwide Senate Review) Regents Policy on Public and Discretionary Statements
by Academic UnitsSystemwide(Systemwide Senate Review) Regents Policy on Public and Discretionary Statements
by Academic UnitsSystemwide
InformationalProposed Revisions to UCLA Policy 740: Purchasing Goods and ServicesInformationalProposed Revisions to UCLA Policy 740: Purchasing Goods and ServicesInformationalProposed Revisions to UCLA Policy 740: Purchasing Goods and ServicesInformational
Systemwide(Systemwide Senate Review) Presidential Policy BFB-BUS-50: Controlled Substances Use In Research and TeachingSystemwide(Systemwide Senate Review) Presidential Policy BFB-BUS-50: Controlled Substances Use In Research and TeachingSystemwide(Systemwide Senate Review) Presidential Policy BFB-BUS-50: Controlled Substances Use In Research and TeachingSystemwide
SystemwideFuture of Doctoral Programs at the University of California- APC Workgroup Interim ReportSystemwideFuture of Doctoral Programs at the University of California- APC Workgroup Interim ReportSystemwideFuture of Doctoral Programs at the University of California- APC Workgroup Interim ReportSystemwide
Systemwide(Systemwide Senate Review) Proposed Revisions to APM - 285, Lecturer with Security of Employment SeriesSystemwide(Systemwide Senate Review) Proposed Revisions to APM - 285, Lecturer with Security of Employment SeriesSystemwide(Systemwide Senate Review) Proposed Revisions to APM - 285, Lecturer with Security of Employment SeriesSystemwide
InformationalFinal Report - Joint Task Force on the Academic Mission of UCLA Campus ExpansionInformationalFinal Report - Joint Task Force on the Academic Mission of UCLA Campus ExpansionInformationalFinal Report - Joint Task Force on the Academic Mission of UCLA Campus ExpansionInformational
UCLA Policy: Public and Discretionary Statements by Academic Campus UnitsUCLA Policy: Public and Discretionary Statements by Academic Campus UnitsUCLA Policy: Public and Discretionary Statements by Academic Campus Units
InformationalDelegation of Duty to Vice Chancellor of Health SciencesInformationalDelegation of Duty to Vice Chancellor of Health SciencesInformationalDelegation of Duty to Vice Chancellor of Health SciencesInformational
New UCLA Policy: Human Gene and Cell Therapy ProgramNew UCLA Policy: Human Gene and Cell Therapy ProgramNew UCLA Policy: Human Gene and Cell Therapy Program
InformationalCampus PreK-12 Affordability and Accessibility for Faculty Report and Recommendations
InformationalCampus PreK-12 Affordability and Accessibility for Faculty Report and Recommendations
InformationalCampus PreK-12 Affordability and Accessibility for Faculty Report and Recommendations
Systemwide(Systemwide Senate Review) Presidential Policy – University of California – Policy on Vaccination ProgramsSystemwide(Systemwide Senate Review) Presidential Policy – University of California – Policy on Vaccination ProgramsSystemwide(Systemwide Senate Review) Presidential Policy – University of California – Policy on Vaccination ProgramsSystemwide
Systemwide(Systemwide Senate Review) Presidential Policy on Affiliations with Certain Healthcare OrganizationsSystemwide(Systemwide Senate Review) Presidential Policy on Affiliations with Certain Healthcare OrganizationsSystemwide(Systemwide Senate Review) Presidential Policy on Affiliations with Certain Healthcare OrganizationsSystemwide
EB re End Partial Suspension of Divisional Senate Regulation 505 Effective Fall 2023EB re End Partial Suspension of Divisional Senate Regulation 505 Effective Fall 2023EB re End Partial Suspension of Divisional Senate Regulation 505 Effective Fall 2023
Adoption of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Statements and Definitions Adoption of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Statements and Definitions Adoption of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Statements and Definitions
UCLA Policy: Public and Discretionary Statements by Academic Campus UnitsUCLA Policy: Public and Discretionary Statements by Academic Campus UnitsUCLA Policy: Public and Discretionary Statements by Academic Campus Units
InformationalJoint Task Force on the Academic Mission of UCLA Campus Expansion - Office of the Executive Vice Chancellor and ProvostInformationalJoint Task Force on the Academic Mission of UCLA Campus Expansion - Office of the Executive Vice Chancellor and ProvostInformationalJoint Task Force on the Academic Mission of UCLA Campus Expansion - Office of the Executive Vice Chancellor and ProvostInformational
InformationalCPB's BMWG on Bruin Budget Model Treatment of SSGPDP Revenue and Accounting for Indirect CostsInformationalCPB's BMWG on Bruin Budget Model Treatment of SSGPDP Revenue and Accounting for Indirect CostsInformationalCPB's BMWG on Bruin Budget Model Treatment of SSGPDP Revenue and Accounting for Indirect CostsInformational
InformationalCampus PreK-12 Affordability and Accessibility for Faculty Report and Recommendations
InformationalCampus PreK-12 Affordability and Accessibility for Faculty Report and Recommendations
InformationalCampus PreK-12 Affordability and Accessibility for Faculty Report and Recommendations
InformationalDEGC Report on College Diversity Requirement - Spring 2023InformationalDEGC Report on College Diversity Requirement - Spring 2023InformationalDEGC Report on College Diversity Requirement - Spring 2023Informational
InformationalPost-Strike Concerns and Budget CutsInformationalPost-Strike Concerns and Budget CutsInformationalPost-Strike Concerns and Budget CutsInformational
InformationalFunding Contracts and Graduate EducationInformationalFunding Contracts and Graduate EducationInformationalFunding Contracts and Graduate EducationInformational
(Systemwide Senate Review) Proposed revisions to Presidential Policy on Inventions, Patents, and Innovation Transfer(Systemwide Senate Review) Proposed revisions to Presidential Policy on Inventions, Patents, and Innovation Transfer(Systemwide Senate Review) Proposed revisions to Presidential Policy on Inventions, Patents, and Innovation Transfer
InformationalRetirement Systems (RASC) ConcernsInformationalRetirement Systems (RASC) ConcernsInformationalRetirement Systems (RASC) ConcernsInformational
InformationalAcademic Senate and Administration Joint Task Force on Investigatory and Judiciary Processes Final ReportInformationalAcademic Senate and Administration Joint Task Force on Investigatory and Judiciary Processes Final ReportInformationalAcademic Senate and Administration Joint Task Force on Investigatory and Judiciary Processes Final ReportInformational
InformationalExecutive Board Letter to Chancellor Block on Shared Governance & ConsultationInformationalExecutive Board Letter to Chancellor Block on Shared Governance & ConsultationInformationalExecutive Board Letter to Chancellor Block on Shared Governance & ConsultationInformational
InformationalFaculty Rebuilding and Renewal InitiativeInformationalFaculty Rebuilding and Renewal InitiativeInformationalFaculty Rebuilding and Renewal InitiativeInformational
InformationalCampus Expansion Principles and Process 2022 AugInformationalCampus Expansion Principles and Process 2022 AugInformationalCampus Expansion Principles and Process 2022 AugInformational
Systemwide(Systemwide Senate Review) Presidential Policy – University of California – Policy on Vaccination ProgramsSystemwide(Systemwide Senate Review) Presidential Policy – University of California – Policy on Vaccination ProgramsSystemwide(Systemwide Senate Review) Presidential Policy – University of California – Policy on Vaccination ProgramsSystemwide
InformationalPromoting Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion at the UCLA Academic SenateInformationalPromoting Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion at the UCLA Academic SenateInformationalPromoting Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion at the UCLA Academic SenateInformational
InformationalProposed 1.5% Equity/Market Adjustment to Faculty Salaries for 2022-23InformationalProposed 1.5% Equity/Market Adjustment to Faculty Salaries for 2022-23InformationalProposed 1.5% Equity/Market Adjustment to Faculty Salaries for 2022-23Informational
InformationalUCLA Policy 410: Access without Consent to Electronic Communications Records as of 4.11.22InformationalUCLA Policy 410: Access without Consent to Electronic Communications Records as of 4.11.22InformationalUCLA Policy 410: Access without Consent to Electronic Communications Records as of 4.11.22Informational
InformationalEnd of Partial Suspension of SR A-332InformationalEnd of Partial Suspension of SR A-332InformationalEnd of Partial Suspension of SR A-332Informational
EB re End Partial Suspension of Divisional Senate Regulation 505 Effective Fall 2023EB re End Partial Suspension of Divisional Senate Regulation 505 Effective Fall 2023EB re End Partial Suspension of Divisional Senate Regulation 505 Effective Fall 2023
InformationalCampus PreK-12 Affordability and Accessibility for Faculty Report and Recommendations
InformationalCampus PreK-12 Affordability and Accessibility for Faculty Report and Recommendations
InformationalCampus PreK-12 Affordability and Accessibility for Faculty Report and Recommendations
InformationalLecturers with Security of Employment (LSOE) Working TitlesInformationalLecturers with Security of Employment (LSOE) Working TitlesInformationalLecturers with Security of Employment (LSOE) Working TitlesInformational
InformationalPromoting Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion at the UCLA Academic SenateInformationalPromoting Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion at the UCLA Academic SenateInformationalPromoting Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion at the UCLA Academic SenateInformational
Informational Executive Board Special Committee on the Campus Response to the Climate Crisis (CCRCC)Informational Executive Board Special Committee on the Campus Response to the Climate Crisis (CCRCC)Informational Executive Board Special Committee on the Campus Response to the Climate Crisis (CCRCC)Informational
InformationalRecommendations Around IT Shared GovernanceInformationalRecommendations Around IT Shared GovernanceInformationalRecommendations Around IT Shared GovernanceInformational
InformationalInterdisciplinary Education Ad Hoc Committee ReportInformationalInterdisciplinary Education Ad Hoc Committee ReportInformationalInterdisciplinary Education Ad Hoc Committee ReportInformational
SystemwideAcademic Council Statement on Critical Race Theory and Academic FreedomSystemwideAcademic Council Statement on Critical Race Theory and Academic FreedomSystemwideAcademic Council Statement on Critical Race Theory and Academic FreedomSystemwide
InformationalMemorial to the Regents on Fossil Fuel CombustionInformationalMemorial to the Regents on Fossil Fuel CombustionInformationalMemorial to the Regents on Fossil Fuel CombustionInformational
InformationalUCLA Health and David Geffen School of Medicine (DGSOM) FinancesInformationalUCLA Health and David Geffen School of Medicine (DGSOM) FinancesInformationalUCLA Health and David Geffen School of Medicine (DGSOM) FinancesInformational
InformationalResources for Teaching and LearningInformationalResources for Teaching and LearningInformationalResources for Teaching and LearningInformational
Systemwide(Systemwide Senate Review) Presidential Policy on Affiliations with Certain Healthcare OrganizationsSystemwide(Systemwide Senate Review) Presidential Policy on Affiliations with Certain Healthcare OrganizationsSystemwide(Systemwide Senate Review) Presidential Policy on Affiliations with Certain Healthcare OrganizationsSystemwide
InformationalAcademic Council Response to Calls for Universal Hybrid Instruction InformationalAcademic Council Response to Calls for Universal Hybrid Instruction InformationalAcademic Council Response to Calls for Universal Hybrid Instruction Informational
InformationalProposed 1.5% Equity/Market Adjustment to Faculty Salaries for 2022-23InformationalProposed 1.5% Equity/Market Adjustment to Faculty Salaries for 2022-23InformationalProposed 1.5% Equity/Market Adjustment to Faculty Salaries for 2022-23Informational
InformationalUC Academic Council Recommendations to Senate Divisions on the Mandated Recording of ClassesInformationalUC Academic Council Recommendations to Senate Divisions on the Mandated Recording of ClassesInformationalUC Academic Council Recommendations to Senate Divisions on the Mandated Recording of ClassesInformational
Academic Planning and Budget Office: Bruin Budget Model White PaperAcademic Planning and Budget Office: Bruin Budget Model White PaperAcademic Planning and Budget Office: Bruin Budget Model White Paper
InformationalMitigating COVID-19 Impacts on Faculty Working Group Preliminary ReportInformationalMitigating COVID-19 Impacts on Faculty Working Group Preliminary ReportInformationalMitigating COVID-19 Impacts on Faculty Working Group Preliminary ReportInformational
UCLA Office of Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Evaluation of Senate Faculty Recruitment and HiringUCLA Office of Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Evaluation of Senate Faculty Recruitment and HiringUCLA Office of Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Evaluation of Senate Faculty Recruitment and Hiring
Systemwide(Systemwide Senate Review) Recommendations for Department Political StatementsSystemwide(Systemwide Senate Review) Recommendations for Department Political StatementsSystemwide(Systemwide Senate Review) Recommendations for Department Political StatementsSystemwide
InformationalIn-Person Instruction Accommodation in Fall 2021InformationalIn-Person Instruction Accommodation in Fall 2021InformationalIn-Person Instruction Accommodation in Fall 2021Informational
Systemwide(Systemwide Senate Review) Second Review of Proposed Revision to Senate Regulation 478 (IGETC)Systemwide(Systemwide Senate Review) Second Review of Proposed Revision to Senate Regulation 478 (IGETC)Systemwide(Systemwide Senate Review) Second Review of Proposed Revision to Senate Regulation 478 (IGETC)Systemwide
Systemwide(Systemwide Senate Review) Revised Presidential Policy on Sexual Violence and Sexual HarassmentSystemwide(Systemwide Senate Review) Revised Presidential Policy on Sexual Violence and Sexual HarassmentSystemwide(Systemwide Senate Review) Revised Presidential Policy on Sexual Violence and Sexual HarassmentSystemwide
InformationalDelegation of Duty to Vice Chancellor of Health SciencesInformationalDelegation of Duty to Vice Chancellor of Health SciencesInformationalDelegation of Duty to Vice Chancellor of Health SciencesInformational
Policy 9xx: Requirement to Submit Proposals and to Receive Awards for Grants and Contracts through the UniversityPolicy 9xx: Requirement to Submit Proposals and to Receive Awards for Grants and Contracts through the UniversityPolicy 9xx: Requirement to Submit Proposals and to Receive Awards for Grants and Contracts through the University
InformationalProposed Revisions to APM 210 to Recognize Mentorship ActivitiesInformationalProposed Revisions to APM 210 to Recognize Mentorship ActivitiesInformationalProposed Revisions to APM 210 to Recognize Mentorship ActivitiesInformational
Systemwide(Informational) Faculty Recruitment and OnboardingSystemwide(Informational) Faculty Recruitment and OnboardingSystemwide(Informational) Faculty Recruitment and OnboardingSystemwide
Systemwide(Informational) Academic Senate Survey of UC Faculty and Instructors About Their Experiences During the Pandemic, March 2020 to May 2021Systemwide(Informational) Academic Senate Survey of UC Faculty and Instructors About Their Experiences During the Pandemic, March 2020 to May 2021Systemwide(Informational) Academic Senate Survey of UC Faculty and Instructors About Their Experiences During the Pandemic, March 2020 to May 2021Systemwide
Systemwide(Informational) University Committee on Affirmative Action, Diversity, and Equity (UCAADE) Recommendations on NeurodiversitySystemwide(Informational) University Committee on Affirmative Action, Diversity, and Equity (UCAADE) Recommendations on NeurodiversitySystemwide(Informational) University Committee on Affirmative Action, Diversity, and Equity (UCAADE) Recommendations on NeurodiversitySystemwide
InformationalReport of the CCGA/UCPB Workgroup on SSGPDPsInformationalReport of the CCGA/UCPB Workgroup on SSGPDPsInformationalReport of the CCGA/UCPB Workgroup on SSGPDPsInformational
InformationalUC Academic Senate Temporary Grading Options for ELWR for 2020-2021InformationalUC Academic Senate Temporary Grading Options for ELWR for 2020-2021InformationalUC Academic Senate Temporary Grading Options for ELWR for 2020-2021Informational
Informational(Informational) Pay for Family Care and Bonding (PFCB) EligibilityInformational(Informational) Pay for Family Care and Bonding (PFCB) EligibilityInformational(Informational) Pay for Family Care and Bonding (PFCB) EligibilityInformational
Envisioning Research in the Post-Pandemic UniversityEnvisioning Research in the Post-Pandemic UniversityEnvisioning Research in the Post-Pandemic University
InformationalUCLA Health System and Scientific Review Mandate 2021InformationalUCLA Health System and Scientific Review Mandate 2021InformationalUCLA Health System and Scientific Review Mandate 2021Informational
InformationalCPB's Budget Model Working Group Recommendations: Bruin Budget Model Oversight and Assessment PlanInformationalCPB's Budget Model Working Group Recommendations: Bruin Budget Model Oversight and Assessment PlanInformationalCPB's Budget Model Working Group Recommendations: Bruin Budget Model Oversight and Assessment PlanInformational
InformationalAcademic Senate Guidelines and Recommendations for Campus Re-OpeningInformationalAcademic Senate Guidelines and Recommendations for Campus Re-OpeningInformationalAcademic Senate Guidelines and Recommendations for Campus Re-OpeningInformational
Review of UCLA Sustainability Master Plan, Curricula & Research SectionReview of UCLA Sustainability Master Plan, Curricula & Research SectionReview of UCLA Sustainability Master Plan, Curricula & Research Section
Public Review for UCLA Policy 956: IP Revenue Sharing with Not-for-Profit Nongovernmental OrganizationsPublic Review for UCLA Policy 956: IP Revenue Sharing with Not-for-Profit Nongovernmental OrganizationsPublic Review for UCLA Policy 956: IP Revenue Sharing with Not-for-Profit Nongovernmental Organizations
Systemwide(Systemwide Senate Review) Proposed Presidential Policy UC Health Participation in Activities Under the End of Life Option ActSystemwide(Systemwide Senate Review) Proposed Presidential Policy UC Health Participation in Activities Under the End of Life Option ActSystemwide(Systemwide Senate Review) Proposed Presidential Policy UC Health Participation in Activities Under the End of Life Option ActSystemwide
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry Proposal for a Master of Applied Chemical Sciences SSGPDP programDepartment of Chemistry and Biochemistry Proposal for a Master of Applied Chemical Sciences SSGPDP programDepartment of Chemistry and Biochemistry Proposal for a Master of Applied Chemical Sciences SSGPDP program
Committees Assigned This Issue
Council on Planning and Budget
Self-Supporting Graduate Professional Degree Programs Advisory Committee
InformationalCANRA Implementation Guidance for ReportingInformationalCANRA Implementation Guidance for ReportingInformationalCANRA Implementation Guidance for ReportingInformational
InformationalUCLA Policy 410: Access without Consent to Electronic Communications Records as of 4.11.22InformationalUCLA Policy 410: Access without Consent to Electronic Communications Records as of 4.11.22InformationalUCLA Policy 410: Access without Consent to Electronic Communications Records as of 4.11.22Informational
Systemwide(Systemwide Senate Review) Proposed Presidential Policy on Classification of Gifts and Sponsored AwardsSystemwide(Systemwide Senate Review) Proposed Presidential Policy on Classification of Gifts and Sponsored AwardsSystemwide(Systemwide Senate Review) Proposed Presidential Policy on Classification of Gifts and Sponsored AwardsSystemwide
Systemwide(Systemwide Senate Review) Proposed Presidential Policy on Native American Cultural Affiliation and RepatriationSystemwide(Systemwide Senate Review) Proposed Presidential Policy on Native American Cultural Affiliation and RepatriationSystemwide(Systemwide Senate Review) Proposed Presidential Policy on Native American Cultural Affiliation and RepatriationSystemwide
Systemwide(Academic Council) Impact of Curtailment on Defined Contribution Plan MembersSystemwide(Academic Council) Impact of Curtailment on Defined Contribution Plan MembersSystemwide(Academic Council) Impact of Curtailment on Defined Contribution Plan MembersSystemwide
Memorandum Regarding Transparency in Searches and HiringMemorandum Regarding Transparency in Searches and HiringMemorandum Regarding Transparency in Searches and Hiring
InformationalCPB's Budget Model Working Group: Action Item 4InformationalCPB's Budget Model Working Group: Action Item 4InformationalCPB's Budget Model Working Group: Action Item 4Informational
Systemwide(Systemwide Senate Review) Proposed Presidential Policy, Business and Finance Bulletin, IS-12 IT RecoverySystemwide(Systemwide Senate Review) Proposed Presidential Policy, Business and Finance Bulletin, IS-12 IT RecoverySystemwide(Systemwide Senate Review) Proposed Presidential Policy, Business and Finance Bulletin, IS-12 IT RecoverySystemwide
Systemwide(Systemwide Senate Review) Proposed Revisions to the Leave-Related Policies of the 700 Series of the APMSystemwide(Systemwide Senate Review) Proposed Revisions to the Leave-Related Policies of the 700 Series of the APMSystemwide(Systemwide Senate Review) Proposed Revisions to the Leave-Related Policies of the 700 Series of the APMSystemwide
InformationalLetter of Demand_ Extension to Graduate Waiver of Non-Resident Supplementary TuitionInformationalLetter of Demand_ Extension to Graduate Waiver of Non-Resident Supplementary TuitionInformationalLetter of Demand_ Extension to Graduate Waiver of Non-Resident Supplementary TuitionInformational
InformationalEnd of Partial Suspension of SR A-332InformationalEnd of Partial Suspension of SR A-332InformationalEnd of Partial Suspension of SR A-332Informational
InformationalAppendix V Proposal: Discontinuance of the Schoolwide Doctor of Public Health (DrPH) Degree ProgramInformationalAppendix V Proposal: Discontinuance of the Schoolwide Doctor of Public Health (DrPH) Degree ProgramInformationalAppendix V Proposal: Discontinuance of the Schoolwide Doctor of Public Health (DrPH) Degree ProgramInformational
Systemwide(Systemwide Senate Review) Proposed Presidential Policy on Native American Cultural Affiliation and RepatriationSystemwide(Systemwide Senate Review) Proposed Presidential Policy on Native American Cultural Affiliation and RepatriationSystemwide(Systemwide Senate Review) Proposed Presidential Policy on Native American Cultural Affiliation and RepatriationSystemwide
InformationalCPB's Budget Model Working Group: Budget Model Analysis_06-16-2020InformationalCPB's Budget Model Working Group: Budget Model Analysis_06-16-2020InformationalCPB's Budget Model Working Group: Budget Model Analysis_06-16-2020Informational
SystemwideSystemwide Review of Proposed Presidential Policy Protection of Human Subjects in ResearchSystemwideSystemwide Review of Proposed Presidential Policy Protection of Human Subjects in ResearchSystemwideSystemwide Review of Proposed Presidential Policy Protection of Human Subjects in ResearchSystemwide
Systemwide(Systemwide Senate Review) Report of the Working Group on Comprehensive AccessSystemwide(Systemwide Senate Review) Report of the Working Group on Comprehensive AccessSystemwide(Systemwide Senate Review) Report of the Working Group on Comprehensive AccessSystemwide
SystemwideSystemwide Review of BOARS Recommendation to Eliminate the ACT/SAT Essay
RequirementSystemwideSystemwide Review of BOARS Recommendation to Eliminate the ACT/SAT Essay
RequirementSystemwideSystemwide Review of BOARS Recommendation to Eliminate the ACT/SAT Essay
SystemwideSystemwide Senate Review Report of the Standardized Testing Task ForceSystemwideSystemwide Senate Review Report of the Standardized Testing Task ForceSystemwideSystemwide Senate Review Report of the Standardized Testing Task ForceSystemwide
Academic Council Statement on University's Collective Bargaining Negotiations with Unit 18 LecturersAcademic Council Statement on University's Collective Bargaining Negotiations with Unit 18 LecturersAcademic Council Statement on University's Collective Bargaining Negotiations with Unit 18 Lecturers
InformationalUCLA Task Force on Research InfrastructureInformationalUCLA Task Force on Research InfrastructureInformationalUCLA Task Force on Research InfrastructureInformational
IDP and Intersiciplinary Ad Hoc Committee Charge Letter DraftIDP and Intersiciplinary Ad Hoc Committee Charge Letter DraftIDP and Intersiciplinary Ad Hoc Committee Charge Letter Draft
Systemwide(Systemwide Senate Review) New Presidential Policy "Principles of Accountability with Respect to Financial Transactions"Systemwide(Systemwide Senate Review) New Presidential Policy "Principles of Accountability with Respect to Financial Transactions"Systemwide(Systemwide Senate Review) New Presidential Policy "Principles of Accountability with Respect to Financial Transactions"Systemwide
SystemwideSystemwide Review-Proposed Revisions to SR 636.ESystemwideSystemwide Review-Proposed Revisions to SR 636.ESystemwideSystemwide Review-Proposed Revisions to SR 636.ESystemwide
SystemwideDRAFT_UC Health Policy Responding to Immigration Enforcement Issues Involving Patients in UC Health Facilities_031319SystemwideDRAFT_UC Health Policy Responding to Immigration Enforcement Issues Involving Patients in UC Health Facilities_031319SystemwideDRAFT_UC Health Policy Responding to Immigration Enforcement Issues Involving Patients in UC Health Facilities_031319Systemwide
Systemwide(Systemwide Senate Review) Second Systemwide Review of Proposed Presidential Policy on Open Access for Theses and DissertationsSystemwide(Systemwide Senate Review) Second Systemwide Review of Proposed Presidential Policy on Open Access for Theses and DissertationsSystemwide(Systemwide Senate Review) Second Systemwide Review of Proposed Presidential Policy on Open Access for Theses and DissertationsSystemwide
Systemwide(Systemwide Senate Review) Proposed Revised Presidential Policy on Sexual Violence and Sexual HarassmentSystemwide(Systemwide Senate Review) Proposed Revised Presidential Policy on Sexual Violence and Sexual HarassmentSystemwide(Systemwide Senate Review) Proposed Revised Presidential Policy on Sexual Violence and Sexual HarassmentSystemwide
Systemwide(Systemwide Senate Review) Proposed Revisions to APM - 285, Lecturer with Security of Employment SeriesSystemwide(Systemwide Senate Review) Proposed Revisions to APM - 285, Lecturer with Security of Employment SeriesSystemwide(Systemwide Senate Review) Proposed Revisions to APM - 285, Lecturer with Security of Employment SeriesSystemwide
SystemwideSystemwide Review of Taskforce Report on the Negotiated Salary Trial ProgramSystemwideSystemwide Review of Taskforce Report on the Negotiated Salary Trial ProgramSystemwideSystemwide Review of Taskforce Report on the Negotiated Salary Trial ProgramSystemwide
SystemwideSystemwide Senate Review: Presidential Policy on Supplement to Military PaySystemwideSystemwide Senate Review: Presidential Policy on Supplement to Military PaySystemwideSystemwide Senate Review: Presidential Policy on Supplement to Military PaySystemwide
SystemwidePresidential Unmanned Aircraft System -UAS- Policy_Cochran to Chalfant_4_20_2017SystemwidePresidential Unmanned Aircraft System -UAS- Policy_Cochran to Chalfant_4_20_2017SystemwidePresidential Unmanned Aircraft System -UAS- Policy_Cochran to Chalfant_4_20_2017Systemwide
Systemwide(Systemwide Senate Review) Second Systemwide Review of Proposed Presidential Policy on Open Access for Theses and DissertationsSystemwide(Systemwide Senate Review) Second Systemwide Review of Proposed Presidential Policy on Open Access for Theses and DissertationsSystemwide(Systemwide Senate Review) Second Systemwide Review of Proposed Presidential Policy on Open Access for Theses and DissertationsSystemwide
Systemwide(Systemwide Senate Review) Proposed Presidential Policy on Disclosure of Financial Interests and Management of COI in Private Sponsors of Research and Revised APM - 028Systemwide(Systemwide Senate Review) Proposed Presidential Policy on Disclosure of Financial Interests and Management of COI in Private Sponsors of Research and Revised APM - 028Systemwide(Systemwide Senate Review) Proposed Presidential Policy on Disclosure of Financial Interests and Management of COI in Private Sponsors of Research and Revised APM - 028Systemwide
SystemwideUC Policy on Sexual Violence and Sexual HarassmentSystemwideUC Policy on Sexual Violence and Sexual HarassmentSystemwideUC Policy on Sexual Violence and Sexual HarassmentSystemwide
Systemwide(Systemwide Senate Review) Proposed Presidential Policy on Open Access for Theses and DissertationsSystemwide(Systemwide Senate Review) Proposed Presidential Policy on Open Access for Theses and DissertationsSystemwide(Systemwide Senate Review) Proposed Presidential Policy on Open Access for Theses and DissertationsSystemwide
SystemwidePresidential Unmanned Aircraft System -UAS- Policy_Cochran to Chalfant_4_20_2017SystemwidePresidential Unmanned Aircraft System -UAS- Policy_Cochran to Chalfant_4_20_2017SystemwidePresidential Unmanned Aircraft System -UAS- Policy_Cochran to Chalfant_4_20_2017Systemwide